Why does my internet speed seem slower?
I haven’t changed anything; has my connection gotten weaker?
Do I need a faster connection?
These are questions we get all the time at the WK&T Technology Store, and oftentimes the problem comes from members adding devices to their network without changing their connection speed.
Think about it like this: For a young couple without children, a two-door car usually meets their needs. But if they add three children and two dogs, they are going to need a bigger vehicle.
Similarly, a WK&T connection that worked fine for a single computer needs an upgrade to handle two laptops, four smartphones, a tablet and a smart TV.
With each additional device, members are putting more demand on their internet connection, so the devices are not going to work as fast as they would like without upgrading that connection.
To use a different analogy, think of your connection as a pipe carrying water. Let’s say you need to fill a large water barrel. The barrel will fill much more quickly if you use a garden hose than if you use a small sink sprayer because the hose has a greater capacity to let the water through.
A higher bandwidth connection — the hose — has a greater capacity to let data through to your computer and other devices so the files can “fill up” or download faster.
Just like the waterline, multiple devices sharing a connection divide up that speed. In most houses, someone in the shower will notice less water pressure if someone else turns on a washer, sink or dishwasher.
With a low-bandwidth connection, someone streaming a movie will probably notice jumpiness or a loss of picture quality if someone starts downloading music or playing an online game.